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Matias Molfino
Feb 173 min read
Creating Inclusive Learning Environments: My Experience at a Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care center
What does it take to create an inclusive learning environment for young children? My experience as a Learning Support Specialist at a...

Emma Arnell
Feb 26, 202412 min read
Student Burnout: What does Science say?
CE students share information about burnout prevention based on what they learned in Neuroscience in Education´s course.

The Brainy Knitters
Dec 16, 202310 min read
Boost your thesis writing!
A workshop with systematic brain breaks Writing a thesis can feel like a mental marathon and requires long sessions of reading and...

Ana Esther R. de Camargo
Dec 1, 20235 min read
Why does fungus make me cry? The power of storytelling in learning through neuroscience lenses
Author: Ana Esther R. de Camargo I proudly describe myself as having tough skin. I used to say you need a lot of effort to make me feel...

Ariunkhishig Gonchigdorj
Sep 23, 202310 min read
Grrrrr, Learning Crisis: Reflection on the relationship between learning crisis and teaching crisis
Reflection on the relationship between learning crisis and teaching crisis
Linda Helaskoski
Oct 22, 20221 min read
“It’s boring because I know a lot.”
Gifted Students’ Experiences of Differentiation in Finnish Elementary Schools Finland’s highly egalitarian educational system lacks...
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